40 Oaks Nature Preserve 
I was taking a drive one afternoon and stumbled upon what appeared a strange portal to the other side. I followed a sign which read 40 Oaks Nature Preserve. I found this a bit odd being that I was in a small industrial village with RR tracks on either side and an Interstate hwy nearby. I proceeded down a gravel lane and stopped approximately 100 feet into the property, and began photographing from my car window the beautiful wooded surroundings. I shot 6 images and continued further up the lane that ended around 500 yards ahead. I drove the turn-around confused as to what determined this to be a Nature Preserve. It looked as though it was a residential property. To my left stood an abandon house. What better place for a ghost I thought, and without hesitation I started shooting. I saw something unusual in the window and pull my eye away from the viewfinder only to see an apparition of a man looking out the window. I shot a couple more shots not really registering what I had just seen or wanting to see what i saw, when I heard a crackle in the leaves nearby... I passed it off as a squirrel. At that moment I got a foreboding feeling and thought I should beat it. I pulled ahead about 25 feet and saw the sun going down behind the trees. Never one to miss an opportunity to get a good sunset shot, I started to shoot and my camera went dark. I'm like what the hell, look in the lens everything is fine... shoot one every thing fine. That kinda freaked me, it was if something had blocked the lens. Below is the house and the guy looking out the window.

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